Bound In Secrets : A Death Kings Novel

Doomed Sleepover


Blood covers my boys. It's all because of me.

The look on Storm's face tells me everything I need to know. There is a tick in his tight jaw.

The boys who raped me are dead at their hands. This wasn't what I wanted.

"They are gone, baby girl. You will never have to worry about them hurting you or another girl again," Storm deadpans.

"We should have been with you, sweetheart. Then, none of this would have happened," Jensen says with his fists tightly clenched at his side in anger. I shake my head, knowing that being at a college party instead of the high school football game is far from their fault.

What those boys did to me..? No one could have helped me. I couldn't even help myself, even though I fought as hard as possible. It's how my boys found them quickly. I left scratch marks on their faces and bruises throughout their bodies. The three seventeen-year-old boys were unfair competition for me, who was only sixteen and five-foot-three.

Carter takes a step, reaching out for me, but I unconsciously take a step back. At that moment, thunder and lightning cracked across the sky. Carter's face falls so much that I know I've wounded him without meaning to. "Please, little one, ... we would never hurt you."

I hug my arms close to myself. I know my boys would never hurt me, but I can't bring myself to welcome any touch after what happened tonight.

My best friend Carmen found me with torn clothes in the girls' locker room. Once I could finally get to my phone, I called her for help. She had already called Jensen to tell him I was in trouble before she arrived. I couldn't move from the shower floor. Carmen wrapped me in a blanket, holding me close when my boys arrived.

Jensen saw me first, noticing the blood running down my thighs. I was a virgin. I guess I'm not now. The look on Jen's face startled me. Then, when the others saw it, I was terrified, not for me, but for the boys who did this to me. Standing outside my house while the wind picks up and a storm rolls, I don't feel bad that those boys who raped me are dead. I'm devastated at what that means for my boys, however.

"Someone saw us, Sawyer. We don't know what will happen now," JT states calmly.

"But we will never leave you willingly, Bonnie," Storm affirms as lightning flashes and thunder sounds. The sky opens up to a torrential downpour.

I cannot avoid touch forever, so I gather my courage, taking Storm's and Jensen's large hands within my much smaller, shaking ones. "Come in and shower, guys. I'll find you all some clothes to borrow." I led all four of my boys into my house. It is a small two-bedroom home. We have little, but it's a warm shelter out of the thunderstorm.

I need my boys tonight. I need them safe with me. We will worry about the future tomorrow.

The boys make me have a hot shower first, so I don't catch a cold from being in the storm. Carter is next while I dress in sweatpants and an oversized hoodie, which I stole from one of them once.

I go to my father's room to dig out clothes, finding pajama pants and t-shirts for my boys. When I exit, I have Carter and JT standing in nothing, but towels wrapped around their waists. They are both tall with lean muscles. JT is the closest to my height, stopping at five foot ten. He was the tallest, just not anymore.

Damn, they have gotten hot! Both of them have a rough dusting of hairs on their faces. Carter's brown hair is hanging in his face, while JT's dark blonde hair is slicked back away from his. I gulp before I hand them the clothes. "You guys can dress in my room," I tell them with a red face and husky voice I don't recognize. They are both watching me closely with their blue eyes. One set is a vibrant ocean blue, and the other is a set of soft baby blue.

I lower my eyes and duck around them quickly. I wasn't watching where I was going, bumping into a freshly showered Jensen. Jen's towel falls to the floor, and I can't help but trail down his body to his dick. There it is, and I hope that not all their dicks are as girthy as his. Wow! Not that I have seen any other dicks to compare to his.

I shut my eyes, blocking out earlier tonight. I do not want to look at those who assaulted me.

Jensen's mouth quirks up into a smirk. "Do you like what you see, Juliet?" He says this with amusement that doesn't quite reach his green eyes. I'm positive my cheeks are an unnatural shade of red since Jen caught me gawping at his junk. I throw the clothes for him and Storm at his chest.

I take off, fleeing into the kitchen to make us some coffee with trembling hands. That was embarrassing and horrifying all at once. My emotions at the moment are one part arousal, one part humiliation, and one part fear.

"So, what are we doing tonight, Eurydice? Honestly, I don't want to go back to the dorms tonight," Carter says, helping me sit all the hot coffee in mugs down on the coffee table in front of the couch. JT silently helps with what we weren't able to carry.

"I suggest we could all pile on the floor like we used to do when we were younger," I suggest.

JT gives me a concerned look before asking, "Are you sure? That means us touching you, Doll."

"I know that. I want to be close to all four of you. Someone saw you guys kill those three, so we don't know what will happen tomorrow." I assure them both. So long as it is one of my boys touching me. I'll be fine. I think.

"I'll grab the blankets and have Storm bring the pillows," Jensen says from the hallway, returning to my room.

JT and Carter push the couch back and slide the coffee table against it. Jensen comes out carrying my comforters and quilts. Storm is behind him with all my pillows, including my body pillow with a sexy, partially clothed Ken Kaneki. I snatch him from Storm's arms, quickly hugging Kaneki to my chest.

Storm rumbles deeply, elbowing Jensen. "Pay up, Jen. You owe ten bucks. I told you she was going to claim that pillow quickly," Storm says, chuckling in amusement.

Jensen groans. "Fine, you win, bro. There is a ten in my wallet. Help yourself later."

My eyes dart between the two. "No one touches Kaneki. He is my man," I hiss, teasingly stroking my pillow.

"It looks like you prefer an anime character to us," Storm mocks, his eyes shining joyfully and a giant grin plastered.

"Kaneki isn't real, so he can't break my heart or my body," I snap jestingly at Storm. The mood shifts from teasing to somber in an instant.

"We'll kill anyone else who fucking touches you. We won't break your heart." Storm bites out, his graveyard eyes shining with so much rage. "Okay," is all I can squeak out.

Jensen clears his throat, bringing our attention to him. "Let's get these blankets spread out. I don't know about all of you, but I'm exhausted. I haven't sat down since... My brain is too foggy to remember," Jen says, setting the blankets on the couch before stretching my comforter out on the carpet. JT grabs an end to help him. The boys all get to work making a nest on the floor for all of us to lie upon.

For a while, we sit in companionable silence, sipping coffee. That is until I let out a yawn.

Carter picks up the coffee mugs, rinses them, and leaves them in the sink. JT gets up and washes them quickly for me, setting them beside the sink on a dish towel to dry. I love him for that. I'll have to thank his grandmother for teaching him to wash his dishes when I see her again.

When Carter and JT return, Carter lies beside me, and JT lies down on his other side. "It's 2 a.m.," he groans, glancing at his watch.

"Let's try to get some sleep then," Storm suggests, lying on my other side.

Jensen stretches his arms over his head, showing off a little strip of skin between his shirt and sweatpants. He meets my gaze and gives me a wink before lying down.

I lay down on my stomach on top of my body pillow. I cannot sleep, so I search for the TV remote for my favorite anime. I have the whole manga series as well. I keep the volume down low, enjoying reading the subtitles.

"So, this is what that guy on your body pillow is from," Storm comments quietly.

"Yep. I like it so much because the characters remind me of you guys," I reply. Storm grunts at my reply.

"Could you read the subtitles to me?" I ask him. He arches an eyebrow at me in askance. "Your voice is soothing to me."noveldrama

He nods at me, lying on his side, reading. I lay down, snuggling myself into him. I shouldn't want to be touched now, but I need to feel the comforting rumble of Storm's chest while he reads to me. His deep voice and his warmth are a necessity.

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