Forged in Blood: A Dark Paranormal/ Fantasy romance (Broken Bloodlines Book 1)

Chapter 54

Come sit up here, Pyro.” Axl grabs my hand and leads me to the back of the lecture hall. I don’t miss the admiring glances he attracts from the students we pass.

I glance at my usual seat near the fire escape. “But I always sit near the front.” Two rows from the front to be exact. Something about not being at the back, front, or in the middle is oddly comforting for me.

Malachi takes my other hand. “It’s way more fun at the back, baby.”

“Yeah, so much fun.” Xavier laughs darkly

“Is she with all of them? Ugh,” a girl mutters as we pass. A round of giggles follows. My cheeks flush with heat, and I pull on Axl’s and Malachi’s hands, trying to hurry to the back row, but Axl stops in his tracks. He turns to face the two giggling girls and flashes them his biggest panty-melting smile. Despite what they just said about me, they flutter their eyelashes at him.

Squeezing my hand tighter, he lifts it to his lips and presses a possessive kiss on my knuckles. “Yeah, she’s with all of us, and we all know how badly you’d like that for yourselves, ladies.”

Xavier wrinkles his nose. “Yeah. Can smell your pussies dripping at the thought of sucking all our cocks from here.”

They both gasp, their pretty faces turning beet red. Oh dear god! Please don’t make a scene.

Too late. Xavier walks along the row of seats and grabs hold of the girl who made the snarky comment by her jaw. He squeezes so hard that her eyes bug out. “If you ever even look at my girl wrong again, I will peel off your skin and make your friend here wear it as a coat. You catch my drift?”

She nods, all the blood draining out of her face as she blinks up at him.

He gives a satisfied grin and releases her with a push so her head snaps back. People are staring and some are muttering, but nobody dares challenge my boys. Even those who don’t know what or who they’re looking at are all too aware of the power they wield in this school. We make our way to the back row, which is currently occupied by some of the football players and their girlfriends.

“Leave!” Axl snaps his teeth, and they scramble out of the seats and move to another row.

“That was kind of rude,” I whisper. “And there was room for all of us.”

Xavier flashes me a wicked grin. “No, Cupcake. We’re gonna need this row all to ourselves.” The deviant look in his eyes has warmth pooling in my core, but I’m sure they’re not going to try anything here. We’re in class. And this is Professor Drakos’s class!

As though I conjured him by thinking his name, Professor Drakos walks in. “Take your seats,” he orders, before shrugging off his suit jacket and placing it on the chair beside the podium. He stretches his neck and flexes his muscles, and a round of dreamy sighs ripples through the lecture hall. Not that I blame any of them. He is absurdly hot, in a brooding, angry kind of way. If you like that kind of thing … which I definitely do. There’s a reason Heathcliff was my first literary love.

“Sit, baby.” Axl pulls me onto his lap while Xavier and Malachi take the seats on either side of him.

The professor is staring at us—scratch that, he’s glaring, and my already warm cheeks are now on fire. “Can I have my own seat, please?” I ask quietly.

Axl sinks his teeth into my shoulder through my shirt. “No. Now stop wriggling, or I’ll take out my cock and make you ride me.”

I gasp louder than I intended, causing the people in the row in front of us to turn around. “You would not,” I angry whisper.

Axl tucks my hair behind my ear. “Oh, you know that I would, Ophelia.”

“Your attention. Now,” the professor barks, clearly unamused at the distraction we’re causing in his class. The students in front of us spin back around to face him while Axl bands his arms around me and Xavier lets out a quiet chuckle. Malachi offers me a wink before passing me my notebook and pen out of my backpack.

“Thank you,” I murmur.

He rests his hand on my thigh and smirks.

The professor starts class, and I pay close attention to his lecture on Perseus and Medusa. I love history, especially mythology, and there’s something about his passion for the subject that makes his features come alive. And makes heat coil deep in my belly.

I shift on Axl’s lap, and he groans.

Xavier snorts like he’s suppressing his laughter, and suddenly they’re all having a conversation in my head.

Take off her panties, Xavier commands.

Yes, Malachi agrees.

No! I insist, and the professor shoots me a warning glare. I press my hand over my mouth. Did I just say that out loud?

No, baby. But he can hear us communicating with each other, Malachi explains.

Then can you please stop talking to each other about taking my panties off in his class!

Axl shifts me slightly, and I suppress a yelp. Then his hands are beneath my skirt and he’s sliding my panties down my legs with his nimble fingers.

Stop! We can’t do this in front of all these people.

Xavier snickers, but it’s Axl’s voice in my head. I’m pretty sure we’re behind them. And I only took off your panties, Pyro. Nothing is happening.

Yet, Xavier adds.

Fuck me, you smell so good, baby. Malachi slides his hand up the inside of my thigh. I try to focus on making notes, but his fingers graze my bare pussy. My hand wobbles, making my pen skid across my paper. He leisurely rubs the pad of his thumb over my clit, then moves lower, circling my entrance.

I hiss out a breath. Don’t!

Do, Xavier urges.

You mean don’t do this? Malachi slides his finger inside me, and my back practically bows in half. But you seem to enjoy it so much.

“Stop!” I slap a hand over my mouth, but one of the girls in front of us turns around in her seat.

“Eyes up front, Miss Watson,” the professor snaps.

She narrows her eyes on my face for a moment before turning back to face him. Meanwhile, Malachi starts slowly finger-fucking me. My notepad falls off my lap, and Xavier catches it before it hits the ground and places it on the seat beside him.

I need to take notes.

We’ve taken this class hundreds of times, princess. We have all the notes you need. Or you could always have a one-on-one with Alexandros. I bet he’d say yes if you asked him nicely.

A one-on-one with Professor Drakos sounds all kinds of hot, and I’m not sure if it’s the thought of that or Malachi’s skilled finger inching in and out of me that makes me whimper. But whatever it is, it causes Axl to growl like a dog. He shifts me again, angling my body so that I’m facing forward on his lap. The desk shields me from view as he spreads my legs wider, and I have to bite on my lip to stop myself from moaning out loud. He flicks up my miniskirt, revealing my bare pussy, and strums my clit while Malachi goes on fucking me.

You want a second one in there, baby? Malachi taunts, pulling his finger out.

Xavier answers for me. Yeah she does. His hand joins Malachi’s, and they both slide a thick finger inside me. I drop my head back onto Axl’s shoulder.

Good little Pyro, letting us finger-fuck you in class.noveldrama

She’s such a naughty little slut for us. Aren’t you, Cupcake?

That feels so incredible, I moan inside my head. My orgasm builds quickly, swirling through my core and snaking up my thighs. But they know my body too well. Just as I’m about to fall over the edge, they switch things up so Malachi is rubbing my clit while Axl and Xavier move their fingers in unison. I try to clamp my thighs together to stop their teasing, but that only makes Axl spread my thighs even wider than before. Both Malachi and Xavier grip my thighs with their free hands and hold me open while Axl keeps one arm banded tightly around my waist.

I swallow a whimper. Please let me come.

But you look so pretty when you’re on the edge, Cupcake. Squeezing my fingers with your tight little cunt.

Oh god!

And who does this tight little pussy belong to, princess? Axl drives in harder. Tell us and we might let you come.

You. All of you!

Xavier groans. You’re squeezing us so tight, Ophelia.

Malachi chuckles. Well, now I just feel left out, boys.

My eyes shutter closed when Malachi’s finger joins the other two. He goes on rubbing at the sensitive bundle of nerves with his thumb, that place where it feels like every nerve in my body ends.

I whimper, and Axl clamps a hand over my mouth, his palm flat against my lips. It’s too much. They stretch me wide, and it burns and feels like heaven at the same time. I rock my hips, chasing the high they refuse to deliver. Axl presses his lips against my ear and whispers, “I really wish I could bite you right now, princess. That would tip you over that edge.”

I mumble my agreement against his hand, my tongue darting out to taste his flesh. He growls, and I melt against him, my body no longer my own. I’m about to have the most intense orgasm of my entire life in a room full of people.

Xavier’s animalistic grunts fill my head once more. We’re gonna have to let her come. She’s so fucking wet. Someone’s gonna hear us soon.

Malachi groans. But it’s such a sweet fucking sound.

And now I’m hyperaware of the noise of my wetness slicking their fingers. Shame floods me, battling for dominance against mind-numbing pleasure.

Axl’s lips are still at my ear. “It’s okay. We’ll bite them all and make them forget if we have to.”

“Hmmf!” I moan into his hand.

But we’re gonna let you come now anyway, princess. You’ve been such a good girl for us. But I hope you know this is gonna keep happening if you insist on wearing these tiny little skirts to walk around campus in. Okay?

I nod, drawing in deep breaths through my nose. My body feels like it’s about to burst into flames, and I can do nothing to stop it. Something unidentifiable lights up my veins. It’s more than euphoria. I feel more alive than ever before.

Axl presses a tender kiss beneath my ear, and the three of them work in unison to drag out the longest and most explosive orgasm of my life. It feels like the very walls shake around us, but I hold it all in, swallowing down the guttural cries that try to tear themselves from my throat, letting them implode inside me instead.

My entire being shakes. I can barely see with my head spinning so fast. The only sound I hear is the blood rushing in my ears. I’m vaguely aware of their hands soothing me, rubbing out every last drop and allowing my climax to roll on in unending waves of pure bliss.

I bask in their tenderness and our deep connection that gives me a sense of belonging unlike anything I’ve experienced. Has anyone in the history of the world been this absurdly happy? I feel safe and protected in their arms, like nothing and nobody can get to me as long as I have them.

But then I open my eyes, and the first thing I see are the professor’s eyes burning into mine with the heat of a thousand suns.

He knows what we just did, and he is pissed.

How does he know? I whisper, despite only talking in my head. Is it because he can read your thoughts?

Xavier snickers while Axl closes my thighs and wraps his both arms around me. It seems like he can hear you in our heads now too, princess.

Oh. My. God. The professor just heard me come?

He’s talking to the class, explaining what to read for our next lesson, but his eyes remain locked on mine, his brow furrowed in a deep scowl. In my peripheral vision, I see his retractable pointing stick lying in two pieces on the ground.

Why is the pointy stick broken?

It snapped in half in his hand the moment you came, baby, Malachi tells me.

So he did hear me? He heard everything?

Axl sighs, his breath ruffling my hair and making me shiver. “He said to tell you yes.”

Embarrassment curdles in my stomach. Malachi gives my hand a comforting squeeze, but I can’t tear my eyes away from the murderous expression on Professor Drakos’s face.

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