His Rogue Luna

Chapter 72

Artemis POV

I couldn't tell how much time has passed since I had no way of knowing, but with each try of mind linking I grew more and more exhausted.

The barrier in my mind was as unmovable as it had been when I first woke up and I was only left feeling frustrated.

I had no way of communicating with the outside world and I had no idea what McConor was doing right now. Had he already started the attacks?

I was feeling nauseous just by thinking of all the packs he would destroy if I'd didn't somehow figure out my way around this. The pressure was only making me more frustrated and I huffed after another failed attempt, leaning my aching head against the damp wall and closing my eyes.

I listened for any kind of sounds and asides from the sound of dripping, there was nothing to hear. I couldn't catch anything.

I perked up, suddenly hit with an idea.

Closing my eyes, I tried focusing my mind, channeling my energy differently this time. Instead of mindlinking others, I listening for the thoughts of others around me.

It was quiet, and I struggled to hear anything. At first, I thought it was because no one was close enough to me, but as I strained my ears and my mind to catch anything, I felt the hope in my chest wither away.

I guess the witch had really taken all of my mental powers.

Jesus Christ, how long am I expected to stad out here?

I gasped, my eyes snapping open as I looked around me. I double checked that no one was in the dungeons with me and had said that aloud before closing my eyes again to focus.

I felt my mind slip away from my body, floating in that familiar grey space. I searched for the mind that had spoken those thoughts but suddenly came up blank.

I could feel more frustration bubble under my skin, not wanting to lose the only opportunity I had.


I inhaled deeply, holding it for a second before slowly exhaling. I let go of all the emotions I had balled up inside me and relaxed my body. Letting my mind drift, I concentrated on hearing the voice I had heard earlier. Focus.

Where the f**k is Jeremy? He's cutting into my lunch time.

I was careful to not let myself grow excited and react. Instead, I directed my energy into trying to delve even deeper into his mind and see through his eyes. Focus.

I was standing in an empty hallway, the dim light above me humming and flickering. I glanced at my digital watch, huffing as I realised it was now half past twelve. "Jeremy that f*****g idiot," I hissed under my breath.

My feet were beginning to ache so I shifted my weight from foot to foot. I settled with leaning on the metal door behind me, crossing my arms over my chest.

It was quiet for a while and I grew even more irritated, slowly bubbling into anger. I wanted to shout for Jeremy to hurry up but I realised he probably wouldn't hear me underground. Instinctively, I reached for my phone, but sighed as I realised calling Jeremy would be useless too.

"Why doesn't this stupid place have network?" I groaned.

Suddenly, I heard a bang and I startled, my hand automatically reaching for my hip, where my gun lay. Hearing several heavy footsteps descend, I straightened, realising who it was. "Ryan, you can take a break."

I nodded, not saying much else to my father as he dismissed me. Stiffly, I made my way out, ready to give Jeremy hell for leaving me down there.

I quickly snapped out of Ryan's mind, drifting my consciousness into the one man I really wanted to read. I could hear him unlocking the door to the dungeon so I didn't have long to dive into his mind before he was upon me. "Looks like the mutt is sleeping. Shall we wake her then?"

I struggled to concentrate as I heard my cell door being slammed opened. I could see myself from McConor's eyes which was unsettling.

I felt a sharp kick into my side and that forced me out of my meditative state as I snapped back into my own body.

I gasped and clutched my head as a sharp pain hit me, no doubt from the rude awakening I just received. I could hear the vile man laugh at my distress and I just glared back up at him.

"Come here to torment me some more Taylor?" I asked, liking how his eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched.

His brothers also tensed which only made me grin wider.

"You think you're so smart, don't you Mutt?" He sneered, crouching to my level. His two brothers also stepped forward, each grabbing my arm, as if to hold me down.

"You see, you were wrong yesterday. You creatures don't stand united," He smirked. "I attacked two packs yesterday and a coven of vampires."

I kept my face blank, hating how smug his face was. I wanted to punch him, to get him away from me but I refrained. Giving them a reaction was what they wanted.

"And you know what? It was easy. Disappointingly easy," He paused, watching my face. "I managed to kill an alpha and all his bastard children. It's disgusting how you dogs breed like animals, so I made sure to start with the younger ones first." Something worse than rage burned in my body, threatening to swallow me whole.

"Now I can be sure that pack won't come back to bite me in the a*s," He finished with a sick grin. He grabbed my face with one of his hands, squeezing as tight as his stupid human strength would allow him to.

I really had to stop myself from struggling against the guards holding my arms. Fighting them would give them satisfaction and I would not let them ever get off on my pain.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to attack your precious pack. If the strongest pack in America fall, then that will send a message to all you creatures," Hs continued.

"You won't know until that precious mate bond of yours breaks and I'll come back to your cell with you dead from the pain," He smiled, pulling my face closer to his.

I just met his beady evil gaze with one of my own, showing him with my eyes what I couldn't say with my mouth just yet.

I hated everything about this man.

I hated how I could feel his disgusting breath on my face.

I hated how his grimy hand, stained with the blood of countless innocent people, was gripping my face and burning my skin.

I hated how he was still living and breathing while the ghosts and shadows that haunted him screamed for justice.

And most of all, I hated how he threatened my mate.

But I had to calm myself to execute what I wanted. If I wanted to get out of here, I had to do these next few steps carefully.noveldrama

I took a second to brace myself before speaking.

"That's what you wanted isn't it? When Mara died? You wanted to die with her, because you couldn't live with the pain," I watched with dark satisfaction as his face froze over, his mask slipping off for a second to show the broken and vulnerable man he was underneath.

But soon enough, his mask came back on and his face contorted with rage.

He slapped me hard, the guards letting me go, and I fell to my side on the ground. I was yanked back up by my hair to face a red McConor.

"You bitch! Don't you ever speak her name again!" The smug man from earlier was gone and the man that stood before me was blind with anger and uncontrollable.

I didn't react as he began kicking me and throwing punches, his brothers holding me down to take them.

I couldn't tell how long he took his anger out to me, but my body was sore and aching when he was done.

His face was still red, his forehead glinting with sweat that he wiped off with his sleeve. His silent brothers let me go and they all stepped out of my cell.

"I'll make sure your mate suffers before he dies so you suffer along with him," He promised, still panting from exertion. I lay on my side, clutching my abdomen with my arms as I curled into a ball.

I made a show of growling and hissing at him and he cackled in response as he locked my cell door again.

"I'll see you soon Cynthia!" He yelled as he walked out the cell. I heard the slam and click of the outside door.

"See you soon Taylor," I muttered to myself as I sat up properly. I uncurled my clenched fist to reveal the key I had managed to steal from one of the brothers.

While I knew it was the emergency key that they rarely used, it would only be a matter of time before they realised it was missing.

I just hoped I could escape before they attacked the Phantom pack so I could warn everyone.

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