Rejecting The Alpha Twins (Regan)

My Twins Baby 104

Chapter 104 Regan POV

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I stare at myself in the mirror, unable to recognize myself. My dress is an off-the-shoulder champagne-colored, one-of-a-kind creation by a well-known designer, with a sweetheart neckline and a long flowing hem. My eyes are smoky, carefully outlined in eyeliner, and designed to look seductive. My shoes are an exact match to the dress and my clutch is held tightly in one hand as I stand in the hotel room, my excitement continuing to grow. This was it. We were finally here. I couldn't believe it. I wanted to squeal out loud. "Mmm you look good enough to eat" Xavier muttered as he came up and put a hand on my shoulder, eyeing me up and down in the mirror appreciatively as he sniffed my perfume, giving a low growl of desire as I giggled at his response.

I turned to face him, wrapping both of my arms around his neck, causing his eyes to twinkle at me. He looked so handsome in his black tuxedo and black bowtie, his white crisp shirt only enhancing the muscles that bulged beneath them. Xander appeared, both twins wearing matching outfits. He looked at me and gave a low whistle of appreciation, coming over and handing me a small rectangular box while I let go of Xavier's neck and I looked at the two of them in surprise. I hadn't expected them to give me a gift. I looked down at it, wondering what it was.

"What is this?" I asked, glancing back up at them.

"Open it" Xander urged, his tone brimming with enthusiasm.

I frowned and then slowly pulled the white ribbon off of the box, before taking off the lid. My gasp made the twins grin widely at each other. Inside was and then around a stunned Xavier.

"Thank you" I breathed, admiring how it gleamed beneath the light and how it looked with the dress, "it's beautiful."

beautiful solid gold bangle. Xander plucked it out of the box and carefully placed it on me. I flung my arms around him

One of the most beautiful things I had ever owned. The boys chuckled. "We're glad you like it," Xavier said, "our luna deserves only the best, Not to mention the mother of our child he added, placing a hand on my stomach and looking at me with emphasis as I swallowed past the lump in my throat.

These mates of mine were making me feel sentimental again. I wish I wasn't so hormonal because it seemed like I was on the verge of tears all the time lately.

-Should we go downstairs and join the summit?" Xander raised a brow in question, "Show off our beautiful mate?" he winked at me suggestively, causing me to blush and make a gesture at him in dismissal.

"I'm nervous" I admitted, causing them to look taken aback. "What if I don't measure up to the other Luna's?" I asked biting my lip. "Or what if I look out of place like I don't belong there?"

Would they be able to tell that I was different to them? Would they throw me out immediately? I sucked in a breath, fear overwhelming me.

"Regan" Xavier took hold of my hand, instantly calming me. "You have to remember that you're a Luna now. Don't let anybody bully you. Keep your head held high. There are a lot of Luna's there that started off as omegas before they found an Alpha to be their mate" he explained and I breathed out slowly, feeling relieved. "Really?" I asked hopefully as they both turned me around and began to guide me out of the room and towards the lifts. "Really Xander answered with a chuckle "and there are a lot of ice Luna's who are attending, you'll see."noveldrama

I felt better already as we took the lift down and walked towards the large function room. The room was heavily guarded by Strea

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security and we were thoroughly checked over before we were even allowed to enter. They weren't taking any chances with so many important people attending. As we walked in, I let out a huge gasp, unable to believe how the room had been transformed. There were waiters everywhere with trays of food and drink. The decorations were regally decorated in colors of silver and gold, adorning the whole room and making it stand out even more as a place for wealthy people to gather. There was a huge crowd of people, so many that I felt intimidated as we stood there. There were also tables in one corner of the room to allow people to sit down and eat or chat. Others were dancing. I saw Xavier and Xander glance at one another. before beginning to scan the crowd for somebody familiar.

"I see Alpha Nickolas," Xavier said, nodding to an Alpha who didn't look much older than him and Xander, steering us right toward the man with a glint in his eyes.

Alpha Nickolas was a cheerful-looking young man, with sandy blonde hair, blue eyes a bright smile, huge muscles prevalent under his suit, and a kind demeanor. I liked him instantly on sight.

"Xander, Xavier," he said, a wide smile on his face as he greeted my mates. "It's been so long since I have seen you. Who is this beautiful creature beside you?" he asked, taking hold of my hand and kissing it as I flushed.

He was a really handsome man, despite the attraction I felt for my mates. No doubt some woman would consider herself lucky to be this man's mate. However, I noted that there was no woman beside him.

"Alpha Nickolas this is our mate and Luna Regan. Regan this is Alpha Nickolas from the Black Lightning Pack." Xavier introduced us to each other.

"Your Luna" he peered at me with interest and then sighed, sounding a bit forlorn. "If only I could be so lucky" he grumbled.

"You still haven't found your mate?" Xander sounded sympathetic as Nickolas wryly shook his head, eyeing the twins with a jealous expression.

"One day" he sighed "I hope she's as beautiful as your mate" he added with a grin and the twins grinned at the compliment.

It was impossible not to like Alpha Nickolas. I found myself relaxed in his presence. The twins snagged glasses of champagne but didn't offer one to me, instead grabbing a glass of water and passing that along. I drank, sensing Alpha Nikolas's eyes on me. I realized that we had just given our secret away. Alpha Nikolas was an astute man. No wonder the twins were friends with him.

"I can't help but notice that your mate is not drinking," he said causally as Xaver and Xander simply glanced at him. "Is there a reason for that?"

The twins glanced at me for permission, practically bouncing up and down in their excitement, like young children rather than the men they were. I nodded, laughing at their exuberance

"She's pregnant" Xavier blurted out loud, while Xander scowled. Xavier having beaten him to the punch.

"Congratulations," Alpha Nickolas said sincerely, nodding to me as I smiled. "You will make an excellent family" he sounded wistful "You couldn't do better than these two as your mates" he added.

I felt so bad for him. He clearly wanted to find his own mate/1 hoped he found somebody that was just as nice as he was. He deserved somebody special. Maybe he would find his mate here at the summit? A beta or Gamma perhaps? Wouldn't that be grand, I thought, studying the man with sympathy.

"Have you heard about Alpha Kai?" Alpha Nikolas asked, his eyes brightening as he looked at us with glinting eyes.

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"No why? Don't tell me that old geezer is still alive" Xander scoffed "he visited our pack once and Father still can't get over how arrogant he was."

Alpha Nikolas laughed." Well, you wouldn't believe it, but I've heard rumors that he's taken a second chance mate or a chosen mate" he amended quickly.

"A mate? Who would be stupid enough to be marked, let alone mated to that guy?" Xander sounded repulsed.

Alpha Nikolas grinned. "Not only that but apparently he's adopted a daughter along with her," he said with a smirk "a ready-made family at his fingertips."

"Poor girl" Xavier pretended to shudder "nobody should be at that man's mercy."

Nikolas merely shrugged. "I would have to say that they would know exactly what they were getting into. His reputation for certain..." he paused, "Desires and his temper are legendary. They could hardly be ignorant of it."

"Still..." Xavier began as I listened, before the crowd began to murmur, everybody quickly glancing towards the doorway. "Alpha Kai has arrived" Alpha Nikolas grinned "Now we'll get to see his mate for ourselves. I wonder who she is?" he mused. The twins craned their necks, anticipation on their faces and I reluctantly turned as well, unable to help my curiosity...

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