
Secret 18

Chapter 18 Possessed by Evil

As the realization dawned upon him, Simon tightened his lips, a sense of grievance swelling within. “What’s so special about that Wesley, he muttered to himself, his thoughts swirling with disdain..

I seriously don’t get what’s the appeal on sees when she looks at him. There’s something wrong with her eyes.

Yet, amidst his inner critique, a pang of remorse pierced through. Reflecting on his reckless fight with Wesley’s brother earlier that evening. Simon’s conscience stirred. He knew that his actions carried consequences beyond his immediate intentions.

The knowledge that his daft sister, who was known to be head over heels in love with Welsey, would be raging if she learned of his skirmish with Wesley’s sibling. The thought of facing her wrath weighed heavily on Simon’s mind.

The complexities of understanding female emotions were another layer of frustration on Simon’s troubled mind.

“Dealing with women,” he let out a heavy sigh, the weight of his actions and their potential fallout settling upon him like a heavy shroud.

Simon’s reverie was abruptly shattered by a sharp blow to the back of his head, snapping him out of his ruminations and sighs that had filled the air like an anguished symphony.

With an irritated twitch of his eyes, he turned to deliver a scolding to Oona, as he had done on countless occasions before. Yet, as his gaze met hers, a chill swept over him, freezing the words on his tongue.

There was a steely resolve in Oona’s eyes, a coldness that sent an icy shiver down Simon’s spine. The intensity of her gaze seemed to pierce through him, unsettling his very core.

A tremor of fear crept into Simon’s thoughts. Has Oona been overtaken by some vengeful spirit? He wondered. The notion of her transformation into this intimidating figure sent a wave of apprehension through him.

“Oona, let’s talk it out, okay? Violence is hardly the solution!” Simon implored, his tone laced with a hint of desperation.

The weight of Oona’s gaze intensified as she fixed him with a piercing stare. Then tell me, Simon. Why, then, did you choose violence?” Her words cut through the air like a sharpened blade, demanding an explanation.

Though her demeanor betrayed no overt signs of anger, the sheer force of her presence commanded Simon’s undivided


Casting a wary glance towards this transformed version of Oona, Simon ventured forth cautiously, his voice trembling slightly with uncertainty. “Oona, forgive me if I’m wrong, but have you perhaps fallen under the influence of some vengeful spirit?”

A sinister smile twisted across Oona’s lips, a chilling sight that sent a tremor coursing through Simon’s veins, his bravado crumbling like fragile paper in the face of her malevolent grin.

“Why, are you trembling with fear?” she taunted, her voice laced with a hint of amusement.

Simon’s throat went dry as he gulped down his saliva, his attempts at bravado faltering in the face of Oona’s unnerving demeanor. “Me, scared?” he stammered, his voice betraying his inner turmoil. “I am a man: I fear no such… such nonsense!”

But Oona, undeterred by Simon’s feeble attempts to mask his frightened state, grew impatient. She had clearly run out of patience when her tranquil night was disrupted. “Enough of this charade, she demanded, her voice cutting through the air like a whip. “Give me the rundown. What has gone down? Whom did you strike?”

Simon had harbored a fleeting hope that he might sidestep the impending conversation, escaping from Oona’s relentless interrogation. Yet, in the face of her formidable presence, evasion proved futile. Reluctantly, he parted his lips, the words spilling forth with hesitancy.

“Allow me to clarify, he began, his gaze darting nervously towards Oona before settling on her eyes. “It was never my intention to inflict harm upon Ryan, but his words… it was insufferably vulgar. I just couldn’t let him go without teaching him

thing or two.

The mere thought of Ryan’s disparaging remarks about his sister ignited a flicker of indignation within Simon. Regardless of her unisqueded infatuation, she retained his sister, deserving of his unwavering protection. He could chastise her in private,

3:58 PM

Chapter 18 Possessed by Evil

but the notion of others daring to criticize her stirred a protective fervor within him.


“Remember this, Simon,” Oona’s words cut through the tense air with a chilling edge, her tone commanding obedience. “If you find yourself in another confrontation, do not hesitate. Get him down until he yields. I will not tolerate a display of mediocre skills tarnishing my name.”

Simon’s eyes widened in astonishment, his confusion palpable as he gazed up at Oona. Her unexpected words had caught him off guard, leaving him grappling with a mixture of bewilderment and disbelief.

He had braced himself for a reprimand, his palms clenched tightly in anticipation of her scolding. Yet, her directive to take aggressive measures rather than restraint left him utterly perplexed.


you sure you’re alright, Oona?” he ventured tentatively, his voice tinged with concern. The individual I clashed with was none other than Ryan.”

The realization dawned upon him with a jolt. Before, his sister would have pounced on knew that he had assaulted Wesley’s brother.

him with relentless scoldings if she noveldrama

Oona’s behavior veered sharply from the familiar path Simon had grown accustomed to. As he pondered the inexplicable shift in her demeanor, a sense of unease settled over him like a heavy fog. Was it really true that Oona’s spirit had been overtaken by some unfathomable force?

Perhaps, Simon mused, it was time to go back to church with his mother, to pray for divine intervention to restore Oona to her former self.

“It’s merely a petty squabble, unworthy of my attention,” Oona’s dismissive tone sliced through the air, her gaze descending upon Simon with an air of arrogance. She’s done her part in confronting Wesley, so why couldn’t her own brother do the

same to his?

Simon regarded her with a mixture of skepticism and apprehension. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a side of his sister that he had never before witnessed. Gone was the foolishness, the reckless pursuit of desire.

“I must reiterate, Oona, it was Wesley’s brother that I punched.” Simon asserted, his gaze meeting hers with earnest sincerity.

Oona’s response was, once again, unexpectedly nonchalant. “In that case, ensure your blows land with purpose, Simon. But exercise caution; do not cross the line,’ she replied with casual indifference.

A crease started to form on Simon’s forehead as he struggled to reconcile this newfound facet of Oona’s personality. Could this truly be his sister, or had some impostor assumed her guise? The notion seemed preposterous, yet the evidence before him was undeniable.

Moreover, Simon couldn’t shake the unsettling realization that his sister was openly endorsing violence, even going so far as to suggest the next fight to happen in the vicinity of the police station. Was such behavior truly appropriate?

Seated within the shadows of the dimly illuminated car nestled in the corner. Clayton observed the exchange between the siblings with muted amusement. Their conversation drifted to him like a whisper carried on the night breeze, and a silent. chuckle escaped his lips.

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