Substitute for The Alpha King

Chapter 75: A New journey


After Shawn and Hannah finished breakfast, they had another round of sex in the living room before he finally marked me. Shawn and Hannah stayed in Each other's arms for a long time before finally heading to the supermarket to get a few things and then Hannah packed Shawn's bag and just sat on the bed staring at her as though she had something on her face.

"Stop staring at me and help me move this back to the living room so that it'll be easier for us tomorrow"

"I am thinking of postponing our journey once again"

She glared at him and he smiled, he was only pulling her legs just so he could know what she was thinking in her head. "I was only kidding"

You better be because I am not postponing this trip for one more day and besides I think that it is time for you to go back home and see your people and know what is happening in your pack, your parents got hurt and you haven't seen them for a long time. I don't want them to think that your new wife suddenly had you wrapped around her little finger"

"Well, you have me wrapped around your little finger"

"You don't have to make it pretty obvious that I do" She knew he was flirting and she flirted back at him which only made him smile. Taking slow steps towards her, she wraps his arms around her slim waist before pulling her into his arms. staring into her eyes he does not bother to say anything, as she did not speak up as well. He listened to the beat of her heart, it was steady and calm, anyone who had heard her heartbeat right now could fall asleep for it puts the Soul at rest.

"Why are you staring at me and not saying anything?" she finally asked when he wasn't talking at all.

"I don't know what to say"

"So why are you holding me if you don't know what to say"

"Because you are beautiful and I happen to be hooked by your beauty"

"Don't be silly and start saying nonsense" She tried to get away from him when he held her tightly, nevertheless Hannah pinched him and he released her, losing his grip around her. "Don't go around doing nonsense and let me finish packing your bags so that you can send all of them at once"

"You're so serious all the time when you are working"

"That's because I know that this trip means so much to you and I will not have you ruin it by playing around when we should be packing" "Haven't you heard that all work and no play makes someone a dull person"

"You want to play all the time and that's not healthy living"

"What is healthy living then?"

Playing around and working at the same time without having to play all the time and forget that you have something important to do"

He tucked A Strand of hair behind her ear before caressing her cheek. He loved how she put him first even though he did not deserve it. "Why do you always care so much about me even when you have not even found out that I was your mate?"

"You care about me so and it's only right that I return the favor"

"The first day that we were married, you wanted to have a conversation with me but then it did not end so well"

Nothing happened that day"

"I suddenly told you to go to bed and I turned around and went to bed"

"That's because you are tired"

"And the next day, you prepared breakfast for me even though I told you that I was not hungry"

"It is a simple act of kindness anyone would have done it" Hannah was not quite sure where he was going with all of this, but then she knew that she had to listen to him for he was her mate, and she loved listening to him all the time even if he had nothing good to say and his jokes might be dry.

"No, it isn't, it wasn't just a simple act of kindness, it meant so much to me that day that I did not even believe that you would do something like that to someone that you barely know anything about. I mean we only just met and got married, so I never expected that you would be so nice to me on our first meeting, and then on the second day despite my hesitation to eat, you did not look at all those things and went out of their way to still prepare breakfast for the both of us and I enjoyed those pancakes"

Hannah had no words to say, she had even totally forgotten what had happened, when she got married to him she wanted to give this marriage her best since she knew she was going to be in it for a long time, but then the moon goddess had felt pity for her and had made it possible that the man she got married to will eventually turn out to be her mate. She was not sure if she would have done that to any other person, but then there was something about Shawn that had always gotten her attention even though she never admitted it to anyone, not even him.

"You do remember that right?"

“I do but then I never thought it was a big deal because we are already married and it will not be fair that I'll be eating and you will not have anything to eat since we are working out in the gym, so it was the only thing that I could do for you. I don't even know that you remember it"

"I remember every last one of our moments together and the times that we fought those men, it was something that I will always laugh at when I remember it"

When the memory flashes through her mind she laughs. Of course, she had not forgotten it as well but then if anything, that was what had brought them closer and even made them leave town and head over to Garden City where she had to meet the two people she never thought she would ever meet again.

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