The Beast's Possession

38: How much you want for this beauty.

**Aife pov**

Following Bane's words, the crowd cheered. The living room was filled with people, yet I could see only a few of the men Bane had just addressed.

"I would like to have everyone's attention for a moment," Bane suddenly shouted over the music.

Whoever was near the sound system instantly shot it off. Bane grinned like a maniac as everyone gave him their undivided attention.

"First of all, I want to thank every Alpha who found time for my little event. Second, I would like to introduce you all to my new play bitch." He said and slapped his hand on my shoulder, ignoring the wince that left me.

"You may address her as reject as bitches don't have names under my roof. Be careful if you try to approach this one - she bites. And lastly, but definitely most importantly, while touching and groping is allowed, going any further is off limits. No one is allowed to use her, got it?"

The men nodded in agreement, sick smiles across their lips, while the women looked at me with what seemed like pure curiosity.

Before I could realize what was happening, music blared through the speakers and everyone instantly started mingling with one another while Bane dragged me through the crowd.

It was pretty evident that he enjoyed himself, he enjoyed the punishment he chose and even more, he enjoyed the eyes that focused on me while I tried to cover away from them.

Bane had done close to what I thought might be his worst. By handcuffing me, he took away my ability to cover myself and everyone around us clearly enjoyed it.

As we passed more men, I understood what the vile beast meant when he pointed out that his disgusting friends were allowed to touch me.

Their hands didn't just linger on my body or grope me. Every man we passed made it a point to slap my ass or grab my breasts so painfully, I couldn't stop the tears from escaping my eyes.

Bane ignored it all. He happily chatted with men and took their words, directed at me, as compliments.

I felt sick to my stomach. By the time he finally stopped at the group of men, I was ready to throw up and their lustful gazes, focused on me, didn't help the slightest.

I seriously started regretting the moment I agreed to follow the beast. If I wouldn't have tried to save the family that was doomed to death, maybe I would have died along with them and wouldn't have to experience all this.

"Is my bitch to your liking, Alpha William?" Bane's mocking tone brought me out of my thoughts.

I didn't have to be a rocket scientist to recognize which man was the one Bane addressed.

Alpha William stood a couple of steps away from us, his eyes focused on me, scanning me from head to toes as a devilish smirk spread across his lips.

"As a matter of fact, she is. Very much so. I wonder how much you want for this beauty," Alpha William stopped himself mid-sentence to sniff the air as the smirk on his lips disappeared. "I suppose it would be some serious money given she's a first timer and a virgin at that."

All Bane did was laugh. Deep down, I prayed he would make it a point I wasn't an item for sale, but he didn't bother to say anything.

Instead, he tugged on the leash until I stood right next to him and Bane could toss an arm around my shoulders. His hand slid to my breast. Bane squeezed it painfully as he kept talking to his friends, telling them some stupid stories about his latest adventures.

Until Bane came into my life, I had no idea people as vile as him and his friends existed. I wouldn't have thought of their existence even in my worst nightmares.

The Moon Goddess had to be disappointed in her children. What these men did wasn't an Alpha behavior. They were criminals, not leaders.

At one point, I managed to zone out and focus on my thoughts. The fearful scenarios that ran through my mind seemed far better than my current reality.

Another hard slap to my ass was what brought me back. I actually jumped and cried out at the impact. My cry was overpowered by an angry growl, coming from Bane.

He glared at someone over his shoulder and screamed, "I said touch, not fucking assault, you moron! You couldn't afford this one even if you sold your soul to the devil so don't think that you have the damn right to damage my goods, got it?"

While Bane focused his attention on whoever had slapped me, Alpha William stepped closer and leaned in to whisper in my ear. "If you ever want a real man in your bed, let me know. Money isn't a problem, sweetheart. Don't hand over your virginity and as your first, I might as well give you the world. However, be warned, I like it rough. Very fucking rough, sweetheart," he reached his hand to my breast and pinched my nipple between his fingers so painfully, I cried out again. Bane returned his attention back to Alpha William and growled. "The fuck do you think you are doing?"

"Just telling her where to find a real man when she needs one," William shrugged and laughed at the look on Bane's face.

"You realize that I always do everything for a reason, right?" Bane asked.

Alpha William raised an eyebrow and waved his hand, willing Bane to explain.

From the corner of my eye, I could see the smirk growing on Bane's lips. It was the smirk I hated the most, one that screamed danger.

"This bitch right here might be my plaything for the time being, but she isn't mine to keep."noveldrama

Everyone's attention was back on Bane the moment he made the announcement, even mine. It was clear that those who surrounded us had no idea what Bane was saying, but I was genuinely as confused and curious as the men around us. "Not yours to keep? As in? Your words intrigue me, do tell us more." Alpha William said as he winked at me and crossed his arms in front of his chest to show off his physique.

Bane squeezed my breast rougher, forcing more tears to roll down my cheeks.

"Not mine to keep as in she's engaged. For now, I'm enjoying myself since that is no crime. But soon, I will have to send her away. Untouched."

Bane added emphasis on the last word by nearly screaming it out.

Now, more heads turned in our direction and more men flooded closer, eager to hear the newest gossip from the beast himself.

"I can't help but wonder why you're being so secretive. It's very unlike you, Bane. Also, I absolutely must point out that I don't know anyone who loves virgins as much as you do. I'm struggling to understand why this one is untouched and must remain as such." Another Alpha joined the conversation.

"That's because this one has been promised to someone else and since he's a fellow Alpha, I couldn't forgive myself if I did him dirty by taking what he desired the most," Bane answered with no emotions whatsoever. "Bullshit!" Someone called out from the other side of the living room.

Bane instantly started laughing and nodding his head. "Yeah, that's bullshit. Sorry not sorry, gentlemen, I don't give a crap. First come first served, that's how our lives operate. But with this one, yeah, no touching allowed. She isn't promised to any regular Alpha, she's promised to Killian."

The crowd broke out in collective gasps and the music was cut off again.

An older-looking man managed to break through the crowd and stand right in front of us. His eyes darted between me and Bane until his gaze settled on Bane. "Are you telling us this is the bride Killian is turning over the packs to find? Are you fucking mental, Bane? Do you have a bloody death wish? To bring Killian's bride in front of the crowd and present her naked for our eyes to see while you call her your bitch? You need to stop whatever nonsense you've started."

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