The Beast's Possession

55: She never loved you.



I didn't walk back to the main building, I ran like a rabid dog.

Since Bane refused to see what was right in front of his eyes, I decided it was time to grab him by the back of his neck and push his nose in the shit he was causing as I would with a house cat who kept shitting all over my place. If that could teach the little furry shit what he wasn't supposed to do, I was sure Bane could learn the same way.

Entering the main building, I was huffing and puffing like mad. No one appeared in my sight, I knew why.

Whenever the Alpha got in one of his moods, even the bravest of our warriors covered away like scared puppies. Bane was unpredictable and on top of that, the fucker was strong.

Making my way to his office, I thought of every possible scenario - the outcomes to anything I might tell him.

Honestly, they all were absolute shit, but I decided to go with the moment and follow the flow. If my attempt to open his eyes would result in him, beating my ass, so be it.

When I stopped in front of his office door, I took a few breaths to calm myself and knocked on the door.

"Come in," he barked not a second later.

My hand gripped the handle as an unexpected wave of unease surged through me.

I hadn't felt like this in years and in retrospect, I should have taken the gut feeling in consideration, because if I did, I wouldn't be so surprised by the fist that collided with my jaw the moment I opened the door. "What the fuck?" I snarled as my ass hit the floor and hand covered my jaw.

I looked up at Bane, red in face, seething in anger. "You can't have her!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, stalking closer to me.

He was drunk off his ass, barely holding upright, but I had to give him credit for still standing and attacking me.

"Can't have who? Have you lost your mind?" I spat back as I stood up and watched him get even closer. When Bane got in my face, I grinned. "Come to think of it, don't answer. I don't care about your drunken delusions, it's not why I came here."

"You can't have her, I'm planning to sell her, you won't ruin my plans, asshole," Bane spat and punched me again, sending my body back on the floor.

At this point, I didn't see any reason to get up again. Bane didn't kick men when they were laying down, so at least I had a chance to have a conversation with him like this.

"I'm not trying to get in her pants, if that's what you're implying. What I came here to try to do is rub in your face how big of an idiot you are. Hiding in your goddamn office so the world can't see you're unable to get over what happened ages ago. She's gone, your Milly is dead, like it or not," I kept raising my voice, which honestly, was the wrong move. And so were the words I chose.

Bane's foot collided with my ribs, breaking a few in the process. So much for not kicking someone when they were down, eh?

"Keep her name out of your mouth, Zion!" Bane shouted, sending another blow to my ribs.

Maybe coming here was a mistake after all. Maybe I had to stay put and wait until he got through his mood and came to his senses?

But was waiting worth it? Was letting him lose himself for weeks on end really beneficial to any of us, Bane including?

Gritting my teeth, I let out a pained sound, which made him stop for a second and look at me. My hand grabbed my side, as if that could ever help with the pain, but at least it was enough to get my point across. "Shit," he muttered and started backing away.

I knew what Bane was doing. Only now, he realized how far he had gone and soon enough, he would lock himself in the office. Once he got the chance to do so, he would fade away, lost in past misery and mistakes he just made.

"Up to this day, I have never seen you isolate someone like that to ensure you didn't hurt them. Never, Bane. Not even with Milly. And I will repeat her name, even if you kill me for doing that, but that's the only way you will listen," as I spoke, I felt something ooze out of my mouth and our surroundings suddenly had a heavy stench of metal.

Great, not only he broke my ribs, but most likely added more damage than I thought he ever would. Bringing my hand to my mouth, I wiped it and glanced at my fingers. Yeah, it was blood.

Bane collapsed a few steps away from me, looking at me in horror. "What did I do? What did I do?" He kept repeating, over and over again.

"You let your frustration out on me. Not the first time, pal," I muttered and tried to sit up properly.

A loud hiss left me. Only when I moved did I realize how much pain I really was in.

Seeing how Bane was pretty willing to listen, but didn't offer any decent words in return, I decided to go for an attack.

"When you claimed you were choosing her as your Luna, I thought you were out of your mind, probably planning something. Now, I know that you have a plan, clearly, but if my opinion matters at all, I believe you should rethink this decision. You're so freaking stuck on someone who never loved and cared for you that you refuse to see there are so many women who are worthy of you. Milly wasn't it for you. I know you don't believe it, but she wasn't. You loved her so much, man, so fucking hard, you didn't see she was using you. She never loved you, get that through your thick skull. You did everything and it was never enough. Not enough money, power, not enough known and the list goes on." "Stop,” Bane whispered, closing his eyes and leaning his head against the wall.

"Can't. For once, you'll have to listen," I chuckled, instantly regretting it as more pain surged through me and made me wince.

"And what if I don't?" He asked, voice weak and trembling.noveldrama

"That's the least you can do after doing this to me," I instantly retorted.

For a few seconds, I kept quiet, waiting to see and hear if there would be more objections, but none came.

"When I went to check on her and saw the state of your house, I was shocked. Seriously, this is the worst you have done to something you worked so hard towards building. What shocked me the most is that you destroyed everything of hers. Milly was all over that place. Furniture, decorations, colors, it was all hers. The only things you didn't touch even in a fit of blinding rage were those of the woman you claim as your fake Luna."

He still didn't look at me, even as I took a moment to breathe and gather my thoughts for the final blow. To my surprise, Bane didn't try to fight me either.

"I went back with some help. The view brought me back to the past when Milly used to throw shit at you, break it and then demand you cleaned it up. She saw your anger once and then gave you shit for being scared of you for six months." Bane finally opened his eyes and looked at me. The sadness in his gaze hit me pretty hard, so I couldn't imagine how it felt for him to be in the position he called his reality.

"Now, imagine my surprise when I saw your fake Luna standing there. She had done so much, I was stunned. Seriously. Instead of whining or blaming someone, she took the matters in her own hands and got to work. Do you have any idea what surprised me the most?" I raised an eyebrow, implying I need his answer.

"What?" Bane choked out.

"The fact that she was kind. She stood there, afraid to get in anyone's way, in fact, she even promised me she wouldn't bother anyone, but still offered them coffee and tea even though she was unsure if there were any cups left. Bane, listen to me, fucking hear my words and think about what I say. You deem her as a product you can sell while that woman stands in the house you destroyed, cleans up your mess and ignores that she's getting physically hurt in the process." "What?" Bane repeated, but this time, the word was loud, angry even.

"Do I really need to repeat every single word for you?" I groaned.

"No," he quickly shook his head. "Just what you meant by getting hurt."

I looked at him, a little puzzled. "You went back to the house, didn't you see her?"

"I ran into her, yes. What the fuck you meant with getting hurt?"

"Her hands, man," I groaned. "They're pretty fucked up. One of the rejects pointed it out, actually. Loads of cuts, I think it's from picking up all the glass you left behind. She was still bleeding when I left. Actually, I think by offering drinks, she tried to distract everyone from her injuries, so maybe it wasn't anything she said from the kindness of her heart."

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