The Hero + Vegas = No Regrets

: Chapter 16

Even though my sisters and I argue and get annoyed with each other, we’re tight. They were little when things started falling apart, so they don’t remember when we were good as a family—but they understand the bond we have. We don’t talk about it. We don’t need to.noveldrama

But it’s why I’m slightly on edge at the idea of introducing them to Sophia.

Sophia is running a little late. I’ve told her to text me when she’s on her way. I’ll come out of the restaurant to meet her, so she doesn’t have to walk in on her own.

I press send on my message and look up to find Poppy and Avril approaching the table.

“Happy Thanksgiving,” they both chorus.

“I have a present for you,” Avril says, dropping a roll of paper on the table. It’s tied up with a bow. “I’m going to spoil the surprise and tell you it’s my business plan for dropping out of Columbia, and it’s also a midterm report saying how I’m up to date and passing all my classes with a grade point average of three point two and rising.”

“So why do you want to drop out again?” I ask as my sisters slide into the seats either side of me.

“I never wanted to drop out because I was failing. I was failing because I want to drop out.”

She’s right. It’s an important difference.

“You need to read the report,” Poppy says. “It’s great and what we all need.”

“What we all need?” I scoff. “I’m pretty sure I need my sister to graduate from the Ivy League school I’ve been paying for.”

She puts her hand on my arm. “Just keep an open mind,” Poppy says. “I think you’ll be surprised.”

I groan and check my phone. No message from Sophia. “I’ll read it like I’d read any other business proposal.”

“Perfect,” Avril says. “You’re always harder on us than you are on everyone else, so that should work in my favor.”

I raise my eyebrows. “I can’t remember the last time I paid for college for anyone else but you two. Can you order some drinks? I’m going to call Sophia and see where she is.”

“Sophia,” Avril says. “I can’t believe you’re actually introducing us to a woman. I thought you might be gay. Bennett is absolutely gorgeous.”

“I’d take Jack if I had to pick one of them,” Poppy says. “And if I had to pick two of them, I’d take Fisher as well.”

“We are all gay,” I say. “The wife and girlfriend thing is just an elaborate beard operation.”

“Called it,” Poppy says.

I roll my eyes and stand, only to lock eyes with Sophia as she walks into the restaurant. “Wow,” is all I can say. She looks incredible. She’s wearing a huge smile and her hair is in a braid, with curls falling around her face. She’s in a jade-green dress and she seems to shine.

Her gaze flits to my sisters, but I can’t keep my eyes off her.

“Hey,” she says as I slip my hand around her waist. She presses a kiss to my cheek, holding back more than she normally does. I know it’s because we have an audience.

“Sophia, this is Poppy and Avril.” They greet each other with hugs and Avril switches seats so Sophia can sit next to me,

“We’re excited to meet you,” Avril says. “We’ve never met one of Worth’s girlfriends. Just his boyfriends.”

Lucky for me, Sophia starts to laugh. “Is that right? Bet none of them rocked heels like I do.”

My sisters laugh, and I smooth my hand over Sophia’s leg. She’s passed their first test. No doubt there will be more.

“Worth just admitted that his friends’ wives and girlfriends are just beards.”

Sophia shrugs. “Well, I don’t think gay men are quite as good with their tongues as your brother, but I might be wrong.”

Avril clamps her hands over her ears and Poppy’s jaw drops onto the table.

“I would say that’s game, set, and match to Sophia. Can you two get over yourselves?”

“I’d love a martini,” Sophia says, looking around for a waiter.

“Please god, if I take my hands from my ears, will you promise never to speak about my brother’s…” Avril screws up her face like she’s just smelled sour milk. “Anything, ever again?”

Sophia smiles a genuine smile. She doesn’t seem irritated or offended, just mildly amused. “I’ll promise the only thing I can promise: I’ll meet your energy.”

Jesus Christ, she has balls of steel. I don’t know why I was worried about her walking in here alone.

“Fair enough,” Avril says, uncovering her ears and calling over a waiter. “I need a drink.”

Sophia turns to me. “Two older brothers. This is life around our kitchen table. You learn to keep up.”

As if I wasn’t completely obsessed with this woman already.

“So how long have you two been dating?” Poppy asks.

“Not long,” Sophia answers. “But long enough to know we really like each other.”

My chest hollows out and fills with lightness at her words. I do really fucking like her. I more than like her. It’s so good to know she feels the same way.

“He’s a good guy,” Poppy says. “Interfering? Yes. Controlling, yes. Bossy? Absolutely. But he’s also kind and loyal and honest.”

“And a great brother,” Avril says.

Sophia laughs. “I have no doubt that’s true. Did she give you a copy of her plan as your Thanksgiving gift?”

“Oh, you have Avril down.”

Sophia is only a little older than Poppy, and they seem to hit it off immediately, talking about art and architecture and the bars of Manhattan.

“I’m obsessed with New York,” Avril says. “Completely obsessed. I kinda wish I’d done an art history degree so I could work at the Met. I want to work in a New York institution.”

“J.P. Morgan is a New York institution,” I say.

Avril rolls her eyes. “That’s why I really don’t want Worth tearing down the Ninth Street property.”

“What’s your plan?” Sophia asks her.

“I want to create an institution. An old-school New York hotel. I think it’s coming back in style—all the maximalism of the Gilded Age. It’s such a different vibe to the clean, modern lines of some of the newer hotels and the lack of soul in some of the big chains. I think he should restore the building, but add touches of modern luxury.”

“Sounds gorgeous,” Sophia says. “Are you into interior design?”

“I mean, I’d like to be,” Avril says, her gaze flitting to me and then back to Sophia. “I’m at college for economics. It’s just not me. I want to do something more creative.”

Sophia nods. “I get that. I work at Saks, but in the finance department. I thought it would be the perfect balance between the business side of things and the creative side of things. But there’s not much creativity in finance.”

“I love Saks,” Avril says. “That’s a New York institution for you.”

“I’m living the dream,” Sophia says unconvincingly. “Ultimately, it wouldn’t matter who I worked for. The work I do day to day doesn’t excite me.”

“I get it,” Avril says. “That’s why I want more than a job. I want a family business. Poppy would kick ass on the finance side.”

I snap my head to Poppy. “You’re in on this too?” I ask. “I thought you were enjoying the bank?” I thought that it was just Avril I had to worry about. I didn’t realize Poppy wasn’t happy.

“I do enjoy it,” she says. “But I’m a tiny cog in a huge wheel. I’m basically an admin manager. I don’t get much exposure to the meaty stuff.” She shrugs. “I work at one of the top banks. It’s the job I wanted when I graduated college, but two years in and the shine has rubbed off. A bit like what you’re saying about working at Saks.”

I groan and tip my head back. In the beat of silence that follows, a phone vibrates. I swipe mine from my pocket but no one’s called.

“Is that your phone?” I ask Sophia.

She pulls it out of her bag, which is hooked onto the back of her chair. “It’s just Oliver. Probably wants to wish me happy Thanksgiving.”

“Get it,” I urge her. “We’re not eating yet.”

She’s reluctant, and I’m not sure if it’s because she doesn’t want to appear rude or if there’s something more behind it.

She shrugs. “I’ll call him back later.”

The phone stops and she goes to put it back in her bag, but a text notification pops up almost immediately. She swipes to read it.

Her face turns white. “Actually, I will just call him back.”

“Everything okay?”

She doesn’t answer. Based on her pallor, there’s every chance she genuinely didn’t hear me. She heads out the door, phone already pressed to her ear.

“Is she okay?” Avril asks.

I glance over at the door Sophia just went through. “I’m not sure. She’s got stuff going on with her family.”

“I like her,” Poppy says.

I nod, because of course she does. “She can handle you two, that’s for sure.”

“Anyone dating you has to be able to handle us. You seem serious about her,” Avril says.

“I’m serious about everything. Haven’t you been telling me that your entire life?”

“True, but⁠—”

“I’m just going to check on Sophia.” My chair scrapes the floor aggressively as I stand. I mutter an apology for the disturbance to the table behind me before going to find Sophia.

But when I follow her path through the doorway, she’s not there.

Eventually, I try outside. She’s there in the freezing cold, her phone clamped to her ear.

“What do you mean you don’t know?” Her eyes are brimming with tears, panic strewn across her face.

I want to tell her we can figure this out—I can fix whatever’s wrong. I just need to know what we’re dealing with.

“I won’t even be able to get there. It’s Thanksgiving. There’s no way I can get a flight.”

“You need to go home?” I ask. “I can get us a flight.”

She grabs my shirt like she’s worried she might fall if I’m not there to steady her. “You can?”

“Absolutely. We can leave now if you want.”

“Okay,” she says into her phone. “I’ll call you back.” She hangs up. “It’s my dad. They think he had a heart attack. He’s on the way to the ER now. Oliver called me on the way. I just⁠—”

I scoop up her hand. “Let’s get your coat or you’re going to freeze to death. I’ll send for my driver and tell my sisters we’re leaving. We can be in the air in thirty minutes.” There’s doubt in her eyes. I don’t know where it’s coming from. “What is it?”

She scrubs her free hand over her face. “I’m just not in a good place with my dad at the moment. I don’t want to do more damage by turning up when he’s not expecting me or… I’m not even sure I want to see him.”

“We can make those decisions on the way to Cincinnati. If you’re there, you don’t have to see him, but you can be a support to your brothers.”

She nods. “Okay. You’re right. I should be there.”

“Good. I’ll go tell them we’re leaving.”

“Oh, I don’t want to pull you away from celebrating with your sisters. You stay. I can⁠—”

“You’re my wife, Sophia. I’m coming with you.”

She doesn’t argue.

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