The Modern Lycanthrope

Chapter Twenty-Seven - Stubborn Shifter-1

Adam's P.O.V. She was right.

I didn't make her stay in that foul-smelling hospital room that night. It was partly for her sake, but mostly for mine. I hadn't had a restful night's sleep in a while, and I knew I wouldn't sleep if she was several floors down alone by herself in a hospital cot.

I did take precautionary measures, however. A glass of water was beside her on the bedside table if she needed it and I woke up nearly every hour to make sure her fever wasn't coming back. About the fourth time I did so, I began to get frustrated with myself.

I had never been so concerned with anyone other than myself before. Evelyn had a way of keeping me on my toes. I found myself doing things just to please or impress her. She was slowly becoming someone I looked to for affirmation, which frightened me more than I cared to express as someone who had always been self-sufficient.

I couldn't wait for the day that she fully stepped into her role as my Luna. I already knew she would be phenomenal at it. But, with the way things were with Europe and all the changes I knew would soon be coming, I couldn't expect her to step up now. I worried what the stress would do to her, seeing as she was already overwhelmed by the disappearance of her mother and father.

I was not so worried by their desertion, however. I hated her father and I had to fight everything inside me the day I brought her home to keep myself from ripping him to shreds. He wouldn't be so lucky the next time I got my hands on him. It kept me awake at night to think about all the stories she had yet to tell me, all the pain he had caused her to suffer through.

It could make my blood boil just thinking about it.

I felt Evelyn stir next to me and she turned over to lay her head against my chest. I reached my arm around her and smiled as I imagined the blush that would spread across her cheeks if she were to wake up and see what she had done.

It amazed me the power that a woman who was nearly half my size had over me. By the feeling in my chest, I knew that was power I had lost and would never earn back from her.

I held her in my arms for the rest of the night, finally falling asleep myself a few hours later.

When I woke up and got up to get ready for that day's meetings, it was harder to leave her than it had been the day before.

I made sure the balcony doors were securely locked before leaving the bedroom quietly.

I got to my office early that morning to look over a few things before the first meeting began.

First, I glanced over security footage from the night before. Evelyn didn't know this, but I had cameras put on the outside of the balcony, outside of our bedroom door, and everywhere on the floor with the guest suits after the arrival of the tulips. I wasn't going to take any chances. If anything else happened, I didn't want to take someone's word for it; I wanted to know about it myself.

I looked over my schedule for the day and called in one of the guards outside my door to have him tell someone to send for Evelyn at lunch.

I was looking over my notes for the meetings when I heard Jace's footsteps in the hallway. I looked up just as he walked in to see a frustrated look on his face.

"I looked into the letter," he explained. "The Post Master said that a man came in yesterday to get the letter and was apparently irate when he was told they hadn't received a letter with your insignia on it." "Who was it?"

He shrugged. "None of them had ever seen him before."

"Did you get the security footage?"

"It was conveniently broken the night before," he said sarcastically.

I was beginning to get frustrated.

"Well, did you get a description?"

Jace handed me a sheet of paper with physical descriptions listed on it.

"Post Master said he was abnormally tall, had dark hair, fair skin, high cheekbones, and not an ounce of muscle on his body," Jace said. "He was wearing a long, black coat and a silver signet ring on his index finger." That could be anyone.

"Post Master said he didn't recognize him?" I asked.

Jace shook his head. "He was certain he had never seen him before."

I ran my hand across my jaw.

"That's something to start with. Check with all the inns and see if anyone has checked in with that description. I also want all flight plans from the past month on my desk by lunch."

"Flight plans?"

"I'm assuming he didn't walk thousands of miles through frozen lands and ice."

Jace nodded.

"How are we doing on the search for Evelyn's parents?" I asked him.

He sighed.

"As far as we can tell, they left and didn't look back," he said. "There was something weird, we found out though..."

I looked up at him expectantly.

"Her mom hasn't worked in years. Apparently, she went through some kind of extensive medical treatment for a while. No one in the town had seen her mom since then. We even talked to a few people who thought they had divorced and she'd moved away. Some even thought she had died."

I thought about this for a moment.

"Here's where it gets weird," he continued. "All of her medical bills were paid in full while she was still in the hospital and they never missed payments on a single bill they owed. The thing is, I thought it was initially because her dad was a lawyer, but he worked for a private firm that was about to go out of business. He was barely making enough each month for their groceries and car payments."

"So where was the money coming from?" I asked.noveldrama

"I've yet to trace it," he said. "But answer me this: why would a couple who was struggling financially watch their house burn down to the ground and not wait around to get the insurance claim?"

"The arson report was positive. Someone set the house on fire," I reminded him.

"Yes," he agreed. "But, there was no one in the house. I think they set the house on fire and they're running."

"You think they fled?" I asked him.

He nodded.

"From who?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. I'll keep looking into it."

He turned and left the room as I pondered over the thought.

Evelyn had more skeletons in the closet than I initially thought.

Evelyn's P.O.V.

When I woke up the next morning, Adam was gone and my throat was scratchy.

I reached over and took two long gulps of water from the glass that Adam had placed on my nightstand before looking over at the clock.

Deciding I had slept in long enough already, I got out of the bed and began to get ready for the day. Just as I slipped my socks on my feet, I heard a knock on the door.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't slightly disappointed it was Liu and not Adam, despite knowing Adam wouldn't have knocked.

"Are you feeling up to shifting today?" She asked me.

I sighed. "I suppose."

Liu put her hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

"You'll be fine," she said.

I shook my head.

"Let's just get this over with."

I followed her down the stairs to the gym.

It was a wide-open space with floor mats, a punching bag, a track, weight sets, and treadmills all placed strategically around the room. The thought of working out made me sick, but I was thankful there was no one else in the room with us. "There's no blood involved right?" I asked her warily.

I noticed her try to suppress a smile as she led me over to the mats.

"There's no blood."

We got up onto the mats and she instructed me to sit.

I cannot believe I'm about to do this.

"Take a deep breath," she said sitting down in front of me. "Try to relax."

"What is this? Yoga?"

She peeked an eye open to glare at me and I sighed, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Now," she said, "try to imagine yourself as a wolf. Try to picture yourself with paws and fur."

I cringed. "That's not a happy picture."

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